Step 1: Go to WhatsApp Group "Bengkel Laman Web Jabatan & Makmal Hematologi" on your computer.
Step 2: click the Admin Link Website Jab Hematologi in the WhatsApp Group info.
Step 3: It will bring to the landing page of Website Jabatan Hematologi admin backend.
Step 4: Enter your own Username, Password & image code aunthetication as shown in the picture, and click Log in.
Step 5: Once logged, click YOOtheme on the bottom left side bar.
Step 6: Once in the YOOtheme, navigate the website to the menu: Research > Grants or Publications.
Step 7: Navigate YOOtheme side bar menu by selecting: PAGES > builder
Step 8: In the builder menu, the webpage module is shown. Select the Switcher module.
Step 9: In the switcher module, select the corresponding menu for editing.
Step 10: Make sure to click SAVE LAYOUT everytime editing the content to avoid data loss.