Speaker CV
Major General Oytip Nathalang is a Professor, Director of Graduate Program, Graduate Program Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Thammasat University 99 Moo 18 Paholyothin Road, Klongnung, Klongluang, Pathumthani 12120, Thammasat University, Rangsit Campus.
- B.Sc. (Medical technology) Mahidol University, Thailand 1975
- M.Sc. (Clinical Pathology) Mahidol University, Thailand 1977
- Ph. D. (Medical Science) Osaka City University, Japan 2000
- Auckland Blood Transfusion Center, New Zealand 1981-1982
- Tissue Typing Laboratory, Northwestern Medical School, Chicago, USA 1987-1988
- HLA Laboratory (Serology), Osaka Blood Center, Osaka, Japan 1990
- HLA Laboratory, Australian Red Cross Blood Society, Melbourne and 1992
- Perth, Australia
- HLA Laboratory (DNA testing), Osaka Blood Center, Osaka, Japan 1994
- HLA Laboratory, Bristol, United Kingdom 1996
- Ph.D. Dissertation JSPS-RONPAKU, Osaka City University, Japan 1996-2000
Immunohematology and Immunogenetics
- Member of the Association of Medical Technologist of Thailand 1995-Present
- Member of the International Society of Blood Transfusion 2007-Present
- Executive Committee of the Thai Society of Hematology 2004- Present
- Executive Committee of the Thai Medical Technology Council 2005-2010
- Councilor of Australasian and South East Asian Tissue Typing Association 2003-2008
- Councilor of Asia-Pacific Histocompatibilty and Immunogenetics Association 2008-2012
- Co-Editor of the Journal of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine 2012-Present
- Editorial Board of Journal of the Medical Technologist 2012-Present
- Association of Thailand
- Co-opted councilor of Asia-Pacific Histocompatibilty and 2015-2020
- Immunogenetics Association
- Second Prize: Research article published in Royal Thai Army Medical Journal 1983
- Second Prize: Clinical research study, Royal Thai Army Medical Department 1997
- First prize: Research article published in Royal Thai Army Medical Journal 2004
- Ph. D. Thesis Awards, Osaka City University Medical School 2000
- Excellent Instructor Awards (Preclinical), Phramongkutklao 2005
College of Medicine
- Excellent in Academic Medical Technologist Alumni Awards, 2007
Mahidol University
- First Prize: Research and Development Study, Royal Thai Army 2007
- Bronze Award: Thailand Research Expo Award, National Research 2012
Council of Thailand
- Excellent Researcher: Thammasat University Research Day 2012
- Excellent Research Presentation of Health Supra-cluster: National Research 2014
University Project of Thailand, Office of the Higher Education Commission
- The highest citations in ISI, Scopus data award (2011-2015) 2016
in Health Sciences of Thammasat University
- Excellent Medical Technologist of Thailand: The Association of Medical 2017
Technologist of Thailand (AMTT)
- The highest international publications in ISI, Scopus data award 2017
(2015-2016) in Health Sciences of Thammasat University
- The National Research Council of Thailand for the Good Research Award 2020
- The highest international publications in ISI, Scopus data award 2021
(2018-2019) in Health Sciences of Thammasat University
- The National Research Council of Thailand for the Invention and 2022
Innovation Award
- Nathalang O, Siriphanthong K, Petvises S, Jeumjanya N. Flow-cytometric analysis of HNA-2 expression and phenotypes among Thai blood donors. Ann Lab Med. 2018;38:362-66.
- Chesor M, Mitundee S, Nathalang S, Thattanon P, Intharanut K, Tobunluepop P, Nathalang O. DI*A and DI*B allele frequencies among southern Thai blood donors. Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus. 2018;34:506-9.
- Viboon S, Townamchai N, Phiancharoen S, Kupatawintu P, Dhitivat V, Nathalang O. Prevalence of antibody against angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R) among Thai kidney transplant patients. Transplant Proc. 2018;50:1310-5.
- Nathalang O, Ang RM, Kurin B, Limprasert S, Mitundee S, Leetrakool N, Intharanut K. Predicted S and s phenotypes from genotyping results among Thai populations to prevent transfusion-induced alloimmunization risks. Transfus Apher Sci. 2018;57:582-6.
- Intharanut K, Sasikarn W, Mitundee S, Nathalang O. HNA-1, -3, -4, and -5 genotyping using multiplex PCR among southern Thais: Developing continual HNA-1 null detection. J Clin Lab Anal. 2019; 33: e22651.
- Puobon U, Intharanut K, Mitundee S, Nathalang O. Determining of JK*A and JK*B Allele Frequency Distribution among Muslim Blood Donors from Southern Thailand. Malays J Med Sci. 2019; 26: 58-65.
- Apipongrat D, Numbenjapon T, Prayoonwiwat W, Arnutti P, Nathalang O. Association between SLC44A2 rs2288904 polymorphism and risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism among Thai patients. Thromb Res. 2019;174:163-5.
- Intharanut K, Khantisitthiporn O, Kupatawintu P, Leetrakool N, Mitundee S, Nathalang O. Establishment of KEL*01 and KEL*02 genotyping to recruit uncommon, Kell-positive, reagent red cells among Thai blood donors. Clin Lab. 2019; 65:1913-8.
- Siriphanthong K, Petvises S, Thanongsaksrikul J, Intharanut K1, Nathalang O. A novel nonsense mutation found in the CD177 gene of Thai individuals with the HNA-2 null phenotype. Transfus Med. 2020; 30:30-6.
- Nathalang O, Intharanut K, Leetrakool N, Mitundee S, Kupatawintu P. Impact of using genotyping to predict SERF negative phenotype in Thai blood donor populations. Blood Res. 2020; 55:107-111.
- Intharanut K, Sasikarn W, Chusri W, Nathalang O. Two Thai Burmese descendants with A4GALT*01N.21, p phenotype, and anti-PP1Pk. Immunohematology. 2020;36:64-8.
- Thattanon P, Thanongsaksrikul, Petvises S, Nathalang O. Monoclonal antibody specific to the Dia blood group antigen generated by phage display technology. Blood Transfus. 2020;18:366-73.
- Thinley J, Sasikarn W, Chidtrakoon S, Nathalang O, Intharanut K. Blood group P1 prediction using multiplex PCR genotyping of A4GALT among Thai blood donors.Transfusion Med. 2021;31:48-54.
- Wangmo T, Intharanut K, Leetrakool N, Mitundee S, Bejrachandra S, Nathalang O. Development of DO*A and DO*B allele detections to predict transfusion-induced alloimmunization risks in Thai populations. Clin Lab. 2021;67:2225-31.
- Nathalang O, Intharanut K, Chidtrakoon S. High-resolution melting curve analysis to predict extended blood group phenotypes among Thai donors and patients. Transfus Med Hemother. 2022;49:163-71.
- Tanwarawutthikul P, Intharanut K, Mitundee S, Nathalang O. RHCE*E and RHCE*e genotype incompatibility in a Southern Thai Muslim population. Asian J Transfus Sci. 2022;16:50-5.
- Intharanut K, Ruanthong F, Chidtrakoon S, Nathalang O. Comparative analysis of a developed-probe-based real-time PCR and PCR-SSP for HLA-*B27 detection among Thai blood donors. Clin Lab. 2022;68:2363-70.
- Apipongrat D, Roytrakul S, Prayongratana K, Charoenpitakchai M, Intharanut K, Laoruangroj C, Silpsamrit P, Nathalang O. Serum proteomic profiling reveals MTA2 and AGO2 as potential prognostic biomarkers associated with disease activity and adverse outcomes in multiple myeloma. PLoS One. 2022;17(12):e0278464.
- Intharanut K, Nimnuch P, Naiwijarn W, Pimsiri W, Khantisitthiporn O, Nathalang O. Characteristics of donors and modelling of the characteristics to possible forecast the repeat donors profiles at Thammmasat University Hospital. Indian J Hematol Blood Tranfus. 2023;39:146-50.
- Intharanut K, Khumsuk P, Nathalang O. Identification of Lutheran blood groups and genetic variants within KLF1 among Thai blood donors. Transfus Med Hemother. 2023, DOI: 10.1159/000528654
- Nathalang O, Asisathaporn K, Intharanut K, Chaibangyang W, Leetrakool N, Mitundee S. Bejrachandra S. Genotyping approach to predict Coa and Cob antigens in Thai blood donor populations. J Blood Med. 2023;14:133-40.
- Nathalang O, Intharanut K, Apipongrat D, Suttanon P. Association of HLA class II polymorphism and knee osteosrthritis in a Thai population. Clin Lab. 2023;69:975-83.
- Intharanut K, Nathalang O, Suttanon P. Integrin subunit alpha M, ITGAM nonsynonymous SNP is associated with knee osteoarthritis among Thais: A case-control study. Curr Issues Mol 2023; 45: 4168-80.
- Intharanut K, Khumsuk P, Nathalang O. Identification of Lutheran blood groups and genetic variants within KLF1 among Thai blood donors. Transfus Med Hemother. 2023, DOI: 10.1159/000528654
- Bayat B, Lowack J, Audrain M, Croisille L, Curtis B, Dangerfield R, Esmaeili B, Grabowski C, Keller M, Kim H, Kroll H, Kvanka MM, Kwok J, Moritz E, Nathalang O, Nelson D, Nielsen KR, Pahn G, Poles A, Porcelijn L, Sachs UJ, Schönbacher M, Körmöczi GF, Kupatawintu P, Takahashi D, Uhrynowska M, Flesch B, Fung YL. World human neutrophil antigens investigation survey. Vox Sang. 2023 Aug 22. doi: 10.1111/vox.13500. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37608544.
- Intharanut K, Nathalang O. Identification of a novel KLF1 gene promoter variation (c.–251C > G) in a Thai blood donor with In(Lu) phenotype. Transfusion. 2023; 63:E32-E33.
- Nathalang O. Red cell genotyping in Thailand: trends for blood transfusion in Asian populations. VOXS. 2020; 15: 310-4.
- Nathalang O. Blood Group Genotyping. Proceeding the 8th TSH International Symposium (TSH-IS 2023) & 61st Annual Meeting of Thai Society of Hematology May 7-10, 2023: 77-84. tsh.or.th/meeting/tsh-is2023.
1) Chidtrakoon S, Jeumjanya N, Sasikarn W, Intharanut K, Nathalang O. Prevalence and
specificity of red cell alloantibodies in repeated antibody screening among Thai blood
donors. J Med Tech Assoc Thailand. 2018; 46: 6241-52.
- Boonpokkrong P, Khanuntong S, Tupmongkol T, Srisuddee A, Phiancharoen S, Nathalang O. Evaluation of test kits for HLA allele detections using next generation sequencing technique. J Hematol Transfus Med. 2018; 28: 249-57.
- Ounjai S, Ponraweethitikorn P, Kanunthong S, Srisuddee A, Phiencharoen S, Kupatawintu P, Attajarusit Y, Dhitavat V, Nathalang O. HLA-A, -B, and -DR frequencies in deceased kidney donors of the Organ Donation Centre, Thai Red Cross Society. J Hematol Transfus Med. 2019;29:175-81.
- Rattakul A, Intharanut K, Nathalang O. The prevalence of red cell antibodies among patients and pregnant women in Pakchongnana Hospital. J Hematol Transfus Med. 2019;29:317-24.
- Chinbordee K, Kukhuntod D, Tatawatorn A, Phiencharoen S, Attajarusit Y, Dhitavat V, Nathalang O. Pre-transplant factors influencing HLA crossmatch in deceaseddonor kidney transplantation. J Hematol Transfus Med. 2020;30:239-46.
- Chidtrakoon S, Jeumjanya N, Intharanut K, Nathalang O. Analysis of pretransfusion testing events occurring in patients at Thammasat University Hospital. J Hematol Transfus Med. 2020;30:345-51.
- Nimnuch P, Jeumjanya N, Intharanut K, Nathalang O. Trends in prevalence of transfusion-transmitted infections in blood donations at Thammasat University Hospital from 2017 to 2020. J Hematol Transfus Med. 2021;31:137-44.
- Kukhunthod D, Thongpaknam S, Chinbordee K, Phiancharoen S, Kupatawintu P, Thanaketpaisarn Y, Luangtrakool K, Nathalang O, Dhitavat V, Chandanayingyong D. External proficiency testing in HLA typing for kidney transplantation in Thailand from 2009 to 2020. J Hematol Transfus Med. 2021;31:243-51.
- Khosidworachet W, Mitundee S, Intharanut K, Bejrachandra S, Nathalang O. Frequencies of predicted Mia antigen among Southern Thai blood donors. J Southeast Asian Med Res. 2022; 6: e107.
- Srisuddi A, Tupmongkol T, Thongpaknam S, Phiancharoen S, Kupatawintu P, Nathalang O, Attajarusit Y, Dhitavat V. HLA mismatch between deceased donors and kidney transplant recipients: a retrospective study from January 2019 to December 2021. J Hematol Transfus Med. 2022;32:243-51.
- Thimthong N, Photi-a A, Traivaree C, Apipongrat D, Nathalang O. Using reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent to determine iron deficiency anemia among Thai female adolescents. J Southeast Asian Med 2022; 6: e107.